Additives are substances that are added to engine oil, transmission oil and coolant to improve their properties. Additives are even added to fuels and oils in refineries. Without additives...
Additives do not benefit road safety in the way that brakes, seatbelts or airbags do, for example. However, they do make a valuable contribution to the operational reliability of a car. Special additives, for example, ensure that diesel fuel remains fluid and does not separate at extreme temperatures below zero. Depending on property, additives will keep the engine clean from the inside or clean away pre-existing soiling. The importance of this is can be illustrated by the following scenario. Over time, deposits, for example, can build up in the injection system. These deposits cause the vehicle to gradually lose power, but these losses go virtually unnoticed. At some point, malfunctions occur which require a visit to a garage and expensive repairs are unavoidable. If the damage is not rectified, in the worst-case scenario, the engine can sustain damage whilst on the road. If this creates an accident risk, this is the ultimate point at which additives will become relevant from the point of view of safety. The use of additives enables an engine to maintain its reliability, performance and readiness for operation or restores these properties following cleaning. A drive that is functioning accurately can be relied upon at all times.
Additives are substances that are added to engine oil, transmission oil and coolant to improve their properties. Additives are even added to fuels and oils in refineries. Without additives, neither fuel nor oil would be able to deliver the required power. If modern vehicles were filled with fuel without additives, they would hardly get anywhere. Engine oil without additives would struggle to withstand the stresses and strains of modern engines and may even cause them irreparable damage. As such, additives are not just well tolerated – they are actually of vital importance to cars. Every driver uses them all the time, even if they are not aware of it. Lots to do! Additives perform many different roles: they must have a cleaning effect, care for mechanical components and protect them against wear. They also contribute to improving quality, to protecting against corrosion, to minimising foaming and to increasing power. Additives for engine oils are adapted specifically to the prevailing requirements resulting from the engine concept and the requirements of the automobile manufacturer. Essentially there are two different types of additive. The first type are added to fuels and oils even before they leave the refinery. Drivers have no control over this process. However, additives which can be purchased from specialist retailers for mixing in with engine oil or fuel following the instructions issued by the corresponding supplier are a different story. These additives lend operating fluids additional properties which in many cases solve problems and can prevent expensive repairs. So additional additives can help to save money. The benefits of additives can quickly be seen and felt by drivers in the form of fuel consumption falling or engines running more smoothly, for example. Their indirect benefits are even more important: when the engine, the oil system and the fuel system are cleaned, cared for and preserved with additives, the car becomes more reliable, expensive repairs are more likely to be avoided and the service life of the vehicle is extended. Several thousand euros can thus easily be saved over the lifetime of a vehicle. Additional additives are useful accessories but not a miracle cure. Although they do of course provide assistance (they can help to reduce fuel consumption, for example), promises like "cuts fuel consumption by a third" are dubious and physically impossible. Reputable manufacturers will never be heard to make statements of this nature. They can make reference to tests carried out with recognised and well-known test institutes which have confirmed the effectiveness of additives in trials. Super E10 fuel E10 fuel has been available at pumps since the start of 2011. This special "super fuel" contains 10% ethanol. For the time being, standard commercial petrol containing 5% ethanol will remain on sale. For technical reasons, not all vehicles can run on E10 fuels. Using E10 can lead to the following problems, some of which can be prevented with additional additives:
Additives perform many different roles: they must have a cleaning effect, care for mechanical components and protect them against wear. They also contribute to improving quality, to protecting against corrosion, to minimising foaming and to increasing power. Additives for engine oils are adapted specifically to the prevailing requirements resulting from the engine concept and the requirements of the automobile manufacturer.
Essentially there are two different types of additive. The first type are added to fuels and oils even before they leave the refinery. Drivers have no control over this process. However, additives which can be purchased from specialist retailers for mixing in with engine oil or fuel following the instructions issued by the corresponding supplier are a different story. These additives lend operating fluids additional properties which in many cases solve problems and can prevent expensive repairs.
So additional additives can help to save money. The benefits of additives can quickly be seen and felt by drivers in the form of fuel consumption falling or engines running more smoothly, for example. Their indirect benefits are even more important: when the engine, the oil system and the fuel system are cleaned, cared for and preserved with additives, the car becomes more reliable, expensive repairs are more likely to be avoided and the service life of the vehicle is extended. Several thousand euros can thus easily be saved over the lifetime of a vehicle.
Additional additives are useful accessories but not a miracle cure. Although they do of course provide assistance (they can help to reduce fuel consumption, for example), promises like "cuts fuel consumption by a third" are dubious and physically impossible. Reputable manufacturers will never be heard to make statements of this nature. They can make reference to tests carried out with recognised and well-known test institutes which have confirmed the effectiveness of additives in trials.
E10 fuel has been available at pumps since the start of 2011. This special "super fuel" contains 10% ethanol. For the time being, standard commercial petrol containing 5% ethanol will remain on sale. For technical reasons, not all vehicles can run on E10 fuels. Using E10 can lead to the following problems, some of which can be prevented with additional additives:
Additives protect the environment. Clean engines burn fuel efficiently and make the best possible use of the energy contained therein. As a result they consume less fuel than engines soiled by deposits. Some additives can even reduce fuel consumption. Less fuel burned means lower CO2 emissions. This is a bonus for the environment.
A wide selection of additives can be purchased from specialist retailers. In both newer and older vehicles, they can help to cut costs, avoid repairs and maintain the value of the car. In newer vehicles, the use of additives can be advisable for the following reasons:
Bei neueren Fahrzeugen kann der Einsatz von Additiven aus folgenden Gründen sinnvoll sein: Einfahren Ein neues Fahrzeug muss erst eingefahren werden. Der Grund: Die Bauteile des Motors werden heute zwar sehr präzise gefertigt, diese müssen sich im Zusammenspiel jedoch erst „einschleifen“. Bestimmte Zusätze für das Motorenöl fördern unter anderem auch das Einfahren, indem sie die Schmierung unterstützen und übermäßigen Verschleiß verhindern. Pflege Ein neuer, eingefahrener Motor befindet sich in Bestform. Aber Verschleiß und Verbrennungsrückstände setzen diesem mit der Zeit zu, reduzieren seine Leistung, erhöhen seinen Verbrauch und machen ihn anfällig für Ausfälle und Reparaturen. Das Ziel sollte daher sein, den Motor von Anfang an möglichst sauber und verschleißfrei zu halten. Reinigungsadditive können das gewährleisten. Kraftstoffqualität Moderne Motoren sind auf eine hohe Kraftstoffqualität angewiesen. Diese kann von Land zu Land, manchmal sogar von Tankstelle zu Tankstelle unterschiedlich sein. Mit minderwertigem Kraftstoff bringt der Motor nicht mehr die volle Leistung, läuft unruhig, der Kraftstoff verbrennt nicht mehr sauber, Rückstände lagern sich im Inneren des Motors an und können zu Schäden führen.
Folgende Gründe sprechen für die Anwendung von Additiven in älteren Fahrzeugen: Geräuschentwicklung Mit zunehmendem Alter wächst der Verschleiß im Motor. Dadurch werden auch die Motorengeräusche lauter. Spezielle Öl-Additive verringern die Reibung im Motor, beispielsweise mit Hilfe von MoS2, und reduzieren so auch die Geräuschbildung. Stillgelegte Fahrzeuge Benzin ist nicht unbegrenzt haltbar und altert. Mit dem richtigen Zusatz kann dieser Alterungsprozess verlangsamt und gleichzeitig das Kraftstoffsystem vor Korrosion geschützt werden. Das ist wichtig bei Fahrzeugen, die über mehrere Monate nicht genutzt wurden. Denn wird diesen kein Additiv zugefügt, kann das zu Motorproblemen durch überlagertes Benzin und Motorschäden durch Korrosion führen. Bei Dieselmotoren können sich durch lange Standzeiten Bakterien, Hefen und Schimmelpilze im Kraftstoff vermehren. Diese können das gesamte Kraftstoffsystem verunreinigen und den Filter verstopfen. Die Folge: Eine teure Reparatur und aufwändige Tankreinigung. Antibakterielle Diesel-Zusätze lösen das Problem und beugen diesem gleichzeitig vor. Sie entkeimen das Kraftstoffsystem und verhindern die Entstehung neuer organischer Verunreinigungen. Ölverlust Wenn das Auto Öl verliert, können in die Jahre gekommene Motordichtungen die Ursache hierfür sein. Auch für dieses Einsatzgebiet gibt es Additive. Sie regenerieren spröde Dichtungen und machen sie weich und geschmeidig. Das beseitigt den Ölverlust. Diese Inhaltsstoffe brauchen 600 bis 800 Kilometer Fahrstrecke, um ihre Wirkung zu entfalten. Verschmutzter Ölkreislauf Mit der Zeit sammeln sich Asche, Ruß und Abrieb im Motoröl an. Das ist einer der Gründe, warum das Motoröl regelmäßig gewechselt werden muss. Diese Partikel setzen sich im Ölkreislauf ab und können die Schmierung beeinträchtigen – bis hin zum Motorschaden. Hier helfen reinigende Zusätze. Ein solches Additiv wird je nach Anweisung des Anbieters vor dem Ölwechsel zugegeben. Seine Reinigungswirkstoffe lösen die Ablagerungen, die dann beim Wechsel des Schmierstoffes zusammen mit dem Altöl abgelassen werden. Verschmutzter Kühler Im Kühler entstehen mit der Zeit Ölreste und Kalk. Diese Rückstände können die Kühlleistung einschränken und langfristig Schäden am Kühler hervorrufen. Dagegen helfen Kühlerreiniger, die mit ins Kühlwasser gegeben werden. Nach einiger Zeit wird das Kühlwasser mitsamt des darin gelösten Schmutzes abgelassen. Anschließend wird in den gesäuberten Kühler frisches Kühlwasser gefüllt. Das verbessert die Kühlwirkung und Heizleistung. Undichte Kühler Bei Undichtigkeiten im Kühlersystem kann man das Problem mit Zusätzen lösen. Solche Mittel dichten kleine Leckagen sofort und vollständig ab. Das ständige Nachfüllen von Kühlwasser und die aufwändige Suche nach den undichten Stellen entfallen.