Removing dirt

Insects, bird droppings, tree resin, etc. which stick to the vehicle not only look unsightly – they can also damage the car’s paint over time. As a consequence, the value of the vehicle drops.

Removing dirt from cars

It doesn’t matter whether you park under a tree, pick up a few insects along the way or get dive-bombed by the occasional bird while driving. These annoying patches of dirt don’t just look unsightly: over time, they can actually damage the paint. As a consequence, the value of the vehicle drops. This can be prevented by implementing the right care methods.

Removing tree resin from cars

Tree resin causes dark-brown and yellow stains. It must be removed quickly to avoid permanent damage to the paintwork. The best method for painted, chrome and plastic surfaces and glass is to use a soft cloth and a special cleaning agent.

Flash-rust removers for cars

Flash rust is a formation of corrosion on the paintwork which ranges from dot-shaped to more extensive patches. It is caused by very small metallic particles such as rail dust, industrial deposits or grinding sparks. These can be rectified using flash-rust removers.

Removing insects from cars

If the remains of insects are not removed straight away and left exposed to the sun, they can cause damage to the paintwork. Insect removers quickly and easily get rid of remnants on glass, paintwork, chrome and plastic. Good penetration is important to be able to soften up hardened dead insects without harming the surface. The remnants can then be quickly and gently removed.


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