
Drive safely and minimise being the victim of road rage

  • Plan your journey
  • Watch your speed
  • Retain your concentration
  • Keep calm

It’s a sad fact that driving can easily bring out the worst of our character, whether that’s simply being impatient with another road user, or completely losing our cool, seeing the red mist and having an episode of road rage!

However, although sometimes things are naturally out of our control, the way we drive can often affect the behaviour of those around us, so if we drive with thought for others, we’re less likely to be on the end of someone else’s road rage. So, what can we do to minimise the risk?


Plan you journey

Stress when behind the wheel is a dangerous emotion because it can badly affect our decision making ability, and not knowing where you’re going or encountering something you didn’t expect can considerably increase stress. So, before you set off, take some time to plan your route and check for potential problems, such as congestion or road works, for example.


Watch your speed

Similarly, give yourself plenty of time to reach your destination, as this will mean you are likely to be relaxed and less inclined to speed because, generally, the faster you drive tends to not just increase the potential for an accident, but also levels of anxiety.


Retain your concentration

Distractions, whether from others travelling with you, listening to the radio, a mobile device or with simply with your mind on other things, also increase the chance of making a poor driving decision, risking yourself or others. So, do what’s necessary to allow you to keep your concentration on the road.


Keep calm

By applying these principles, you will drive responsibly and reduce the chances of being on the end of another driver’s road rage, but you obviously can’t control everything. So, if you are at the receiving end, try to keep calm and don’t have an episode yourself!

This means being patient and avoiding the temptation to get even, being respectful to other road users and allowing them space, even if they seem to be cutting in or jumping the queue. Acknowledging other drivers and saying thanks or apologising if you’re in the wrong are more likely to defuse road rage than further provoke it.

Finally, if someone threatens you, don’t respond in kind, do your best to move out of trouble, and if you are pursued, lock your doors, alert the police and seek their advice.

Article from in the category: Magazine